Thursday, September 24, 2020

 Adrian Rafael Villa

October 16, 1965 - September 24, 2020

    JUNE 16.1965 - SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
                         Adrian was a lifetime Colton resident. .He was successful certified surveying 

engineer for over 25 years. He was  also a certified genius. He was a member of the operating 
engineer union, I.U.O.E Local 12.  He was an avid Raider, Laker, and Dodger's fan and

a proud Yellowjacket alumni.
                         Adrian is preceded in death by his father, Oscar Villa, and his sister, Michelle

Villa. He is survived by Andre Villa (son), Avelina Villa (mother), Robert Perez (brother), Lisa 

Villa (sister), and his nieces and nephews. 

                         It is such a great loss to his family and friends. He was loved by very many..

                      Services for Adrian, will be held on Friday, October 23,  @  2PM, at Hermosa

Cemetery Funeral Chapel in Colton. Social distancing and masks will be left to each individual.